Ahuva Gottdiener’s Homegrown Kosher is a certified kosher bakery and garden consultancy bridging the food gap between ground and plate for her Orthodox Jewish community. She shares her fascination with the fundamentals through education, inspiration and connection.
Colleen Kavanagh of ZEGO Foods provides a somewhat scary look at what the recent relaxation of FDA food regulation guidelines could mean to food production and safety for individuals with dietary needs.
Erin Malawer had dedicated her life to creating a greater awareness of what food allergies are — and are not — and advocating for those living with food allergies.
Our main goal with our research is to make daily living with allergic conditions easier by providing insight through our data. We set out to answer the critical questions that impact these families.
Lianne Mandelbaum has been advocating for food allergic airline passengers for eight years after she and her son were treated horribly. She has turned that experience into an advocacy platform which has fostered change in the airline industry.
Once a competitive bodybuilder who believed it took animal protein to build muscle, Nina Curtis found her competitive edge when she “broke up with salmon” and became a vegan chef. While Nina Curtis has been a foodie since she was an eight-year-old helping her mom cook from scratch and lending a hand with her dad’s catering business, she never thought she would cook for a living. “That’s why you should never say never, because it could come back to haunt you,” she says. And, while her mom went organic long before it was a thing, Nina’s early professional food experience…
Medical research can be powerful — and so are the women who make it happen. One of these is Ruchi Gupta, MD, who doing some amazing work in food allergy research, and why she is making history in the food and beverage industry.
Stepheni Norton’s journey from chief yeoman in the U.S. Coast Guard to Southern California farmer of pre-WWII fruit, vegetables and herbs began with a dream … and an insect bite.
Ensuring a safe meal boils down to the importance of communication and advocating for guests with special diets. Creating and delivering memorable events is the plan. But, if an attendee becomes ill due or food poisoning or a meal being contaminated with listeria, the likelihood of return engagement evaporates. Food safety aside, another way attendees can become ill is by being served a meal unsafe or inappropriate for their health condition. Equally concerning is serving a dish which contradicts a religious belief system or health choice. Food allergies, celiac disease, and diabetes are a few health conditions that require personalized…
While beer, wine and cocktails remain important social lubricants for group events, today’s increasingly health-conscious attendees would love to have some low- and non-alcohol options that look just as enticing as that signature margarita.