Learn how two women are using their experience running a global corporate food program and their appreciation and advocacy for local and sustainable food system to help organizations create other food programs.

Learn how two women are using their experience running a global corporate food program and their appreciation and advocacy for local and sustainable food system to help organizations create other food programs.
As few as five years ago, hotel kitchens weren’t as prepared to satisfy the needs of a vegan, and planners struggled to meet the nutritional requirements of their vegan attendee. Now in 2019, we’ve seen a great shift in education and accommodation for this group. I spoke with Alain Vergnault, pastry chef at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, to understand how hotel banquet staff have made changes to ease what was once seen as the vegan burden. “The frustration [in cooking for vegans] was here because we were not prepared,” Vergnault says. “If you prepare, and you have all the documentation…