Tag: pasta

Swirls of cooked noodle on a fork - National Eat Your Noodles day

It’s National Eat Your Noodles Day

Noodles: A Food Staple of Many Forms It’s National Eat Your Noodles Day (#NationalEatYourNoodlesDay). Who comes up with these specialty days, I do not know, but I’m going to go with it today. Especially since what you think of as noodles might be different than the guy next to you. According to the Oxford dictionary, noodles are made from flour paste into very thin, long strips of pasta. Once cooked, they can be eaten in soup or with sauce. When you take my friend Chef Gloria Smiley’s pasta making class, you learn that pasta is simply white flour and egg. From…

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Lent dietary practices during meetings

Lent Brings Challenges for Event Planners When Menu Planning

Two weeks ago the season of Lent began on Wednesday, after a traditional pancake supper the night before. During this annual ritual, millions of Christians all around the world commence a 40-day period of sacrifice, reflection and “spiritual housecleaning” in preparation for Easter. Though the exact timing varies between sects, the liturgical season typically starts on Ash Wednesday and ends just before Easter Sunday, and is meant to represent the period Jesus wandered alone in the desert. The word Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon work “lencten,” which means spring. Similar to making New Year’s resolutions, some use the time to…

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