Tag: dietary choices

Healthy Food – What Attendees Want

  The results are clear – our guests want to eat healthier. Multiple 2018 studies indicate that consumers are showing a growing awareness of the importance of eating healthy. The Dietary Disconnect While Americans want to start eating better, there seems to be some confusion and different opinions about what “eating healthy” really means. For some, it’s choosing to eat high-protein diets. For others, it’s reducing their gluten or dairy intake. According to a 2018 study conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFIC), one in three Americans follow some type of diet or eating program that they deem to…

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The Real Difference Between Dietary Choices & Dietary Needs

As the controversy and, let’s face it, confusion, rages on around the world here’s an easy primer on the why’s and woes of dietary choices and dietary needs. Let’s begin with an actual disease, Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease isn’t an allergy to gluten as many people often mistake. It is an actual autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley) causes damage to the small intestine. An estimated 1 in every 100 people has celiac, worldwide and most are undiagnosed. Because this is an actual autoimmune disorder, a diagnosis will ensure opportunity for…

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Lent dietary practices during meetings

Lent Brings Challenges for Event Planners When Menu Planning

Two weeks ago the season of Lent began on Wednesday, after a traditional pancake supper the night before. During this annual ritual, millions of Christians all around the world commence a 40-day period of sacrifice, reflection and “spiritual housecleaning” in preparation for Easter. Though the exact timing varies between sects, the liturgical season typically starts on Ash Wednesday and ends just before Easter Sunday, and is meant to represent the period Jesus wandered alone in the desert. The word Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon work “lencten,” which means spring. Similar to making New Year’s resolutions, some use the time to…

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