Tag: bullying

dietary restrictions and invisible disabilities

Thrive! With Dietary Restrictions and Invisible Disabilities, Part Two

We know what disabilities are, and I discussed invisible disabilities in, “Thrive! With Invisible Disabilities, Part One.” In part two, I want to chat about some of the behaviors and concepts that will help illustrate dietary restrictions and invisible disabilities. As a reminder, invisible disabilities are also called hidden disabilities because they are restrictions that aren’t clearly visible or apparent. Food allergies and intolerances are included when we talk about invisible disabilities because, just like asthma, arthritis, and other conditions, diseases, and dysfunctions, we can’t see the challenges those with invisible disabilities may be experiencing. The Americans with Disabilities Act…

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Culinary Forecast

Culinary Forecast: Food Trends, 2018 – Part Three

There are a multitude of food trends I could talk about. If you missed part one about superfoods, “4 Superfoods – 2018 Food Trends,” feel free to take a look. I also discuss beverage predictions in “Cheers! Drink Trends for 2018 – Part Two.” Following are a few of my ideas about the culinary forecast. Healthful Personalization At one time, personalization meant being able to asking for extra cheese on that hamburger, or adding a build a your own sundae station and omelet bar at our events. As positive, accepting attitudes about dietary restrictions and better understanding of food allergies…

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Two men bullied at corporate awards banquet for having food allergies

Two Men with Food Allergies Bullied by Coworkers at Awards Dinner

Not Being able to Eat Wheat or Shellfish is No Reason to be Bullied Last week I was at an event where I witnessed two men being bullied/teased/harassed—whatever you want to call it—about their dietary need. I was stunned, embarrassed and utterly dumbfounded. The event was an awards dinner for a corporation and one at which I was hired to manage the food and beverage and oversee the safe execution of special meals for 18 people with dietary needs (a low number considering other events I’ve done, but still seven percent of the group). The two men who were being…

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