Latex lurks in everything from balloons to rubber bands to gloves and can cause skin and respiratory allergic reactions in a growing number of people. Are you doing all you can to ensure the safety of those with latex allergies at your events?

Latex lurks in everything from balloons to rubber bands to gloves and can cause skin and respiratory allergic reactions in a growing number of people. Are you doing all you can to ensure the safety of those with latex allergies at your events?
How One Meeting Eliminated Apple to Create a Safe Space for a Food-Allergic Attendee Last month I met a woman with an apple allergy. Yes, an apple allergy. I’m sure some of you can’t believe it, but it’s a real thing, and it can be fatal. While I’ve known others with an apple allergy, Leticia’s is the most severe I’ve encountered. As she explained in her registration form, she is “highly, deathly allergic” to apples, “both ingested and inhaled from others eating nearby.” This was vital information to know about her, since I was analyzing and coding catering menus to…