I’m a vodka drinker. Used to drink beer. And, since I have never been a fan of wine (I know!), so I’ve asked my good friend and sommelier Don Hackett to give us (you) some hints on how to successfully pair food and wine this holiday season – or any time of the year. When Pairing Food and Wine Decide Which is the Star: the Food or the Wine Shopping for wines for your holiday party can present a unique challenge. Holiday spreads often offer an abundant and diverse selection of dishes and trying to find a wine that will work…
Thanksgiving is such a wonderful opportunity to come together, but it can also be a bit intimidating for a number of reasons. Whether you are hosting, catering, or bringing a dish, it’s tough to make sure there will be something for everyone. Thanksgiving Food Allergies are just one of many ways to make your guests feel welcome. Chances are someone, most likely more than just one someone, will have dietary restrictions of some kind. Here are just a few recipes to consider that will help address the Big Eight allergens as well as a few other common dietary restrictions. Just…
Use the Vegan Lunch Ideas for Meetings to Feed Attendees Well Over the last few months I’ve gotten quite a few emails/calls from meeting planners asking me for healthy and delicious vegan lunch ideas for meetings since the hotel, convention center and/or catering companies they are working with are not making an effort to do this for them. To top the frustration I’ve heard from planners, the stories from vegan and vegetarian meeting attendees about what they were served illustrate a lack of enthusiasm from chefs to create these meals: At an awards banquet Jessie was served one – yes, one – roasted carrot. Monica was…
Managing Diabetes at Meetings can Improve Health for all If you follow me on social media, you may have already noticed it’s Diabetes Awareness Month. The celebration is a combined effort across U.S. government entities, medical professionals, individuals with diabetes and their friends and families, those who want to learn more, and organizations across more industries than you would think to help those managing diabetes to eat and feel better. “National Diabetes Month is observed every November so individuals, health care professionals, organizations, and communities across the country can bring attention to diabetes and its impact on millions of Americans.”…
November is off to a great start and one of the reasons is that November first is World Vegan Day. I’m not promoting we all need to switch to veganism, but I am promoting more vegan dishes in our menus. Not only will be making a concerted effort to meet the needs of our custom eaters, we’ll be opening our events to a vast and surprisingly delicious world of innovative vegan dishes. With a growing number of people turning to vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, the effort to create meat-like dishes is long gone. Occasionally, we still see tofurkey, fish-like tacos,…
LemonGrass Hummus recipe by Megan McCarthy, Healthy Eating 101 [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:2]
Convening Kosher Communication and knowledge are key to ensuring the F&B experience pleases all parties At a recent Tourism Ireland event, I was intrigued by a query to guest host Lady Dunleath about the menus available at Ballywalter Park, Lord and Lady Dunleath’s Northern Ireland home. A meeting planner representing a law firm in Manhattan’s financial district inquired about the availability of vegetarian, vegan and kosher meals at the estate, whose Mansion House is offered for group functions. In the ensuing conversation, the planner noted that, given the costs involved in obtaining kosher provisions, she tried to investigate if attendees…
October is Vegetarian Awareness Month! This doesn’t mean there is a sudden call-to-action for all meat-eaters to go veggie, but it’s a great way to stop and appreciate that there are some amazing veggie dishes out there that are worth building into our main course menus. And if we were to build just a little more veggie-life into our personal weekly menus, we might find we are actually experiencing this delicious world in an even more interesting way. Quick Run-Down on Vegarians: Vegetarian Awareness Month has two purposes. One is to be aware of vegetarians and the reasons for their…
There is growing attention being paid to food waste, which is wonderful. I’ll be speaking at IMEX next week and while you can catch me at a few sessions, Wasting Away will be a session on food waste and our bottom line on October 18th. As a prompt to help us celebrate the no waste movement, let’s all take part in World Food Day this Sunday, October 16th. You can read a general article I’ve written on why the day exists and how we can integrate more awareness into our daily lives. Below is a beautiful guest post by James Spellos.…