Shandee Chernow, CEO of Certistar, is using her life-threatening food allergy to elevate food allergy safety and customer experience for restaurants.

Shandee Chernow, CEO of Certistar, is using her life-threatening food allergy to elevate food allergy safety and customer experience for restaurants.
When you have food allergies, learning to travel confidently with them can be hard. Allie Bahn is an expert. Listen to get her tips.
Our main goal with our research is to make daily living with allergic conditions easier by providing insight through our data. We set out to answer the critical questions that impact these families.
Attorney Mary Vargas is making history in the food and beverage industry by giving a voice to people who aren’t being heard, such as a college student who could never afford a $685-an-hour attorney to speak for them. She advocates for people living with food allergies, celiac disease, and non-celiac gluten sensitivities.
Food Allergies Psychologically Impact Social Experiences We all have an inherent human emotional need to associate with and be welcomed by others within groups. Whether it’s the kickball team, family, the neighborhood book club or the office, the need to belong is at the heart of each of us feeling accepted, getting attention and gaining/providing support. As we go through life, we are motivated to fulfill these social needs along with our basic needs of food, housing and love. It drives our need to feel good about ourselves. “The need to belong is an intrinsic motivation to affiliate with others…
My good friend Dr. Tyra Hilliard, PhD, JD, CMP, is a meetings industry attorney, college professor, speaker and writer. In her latest article for Plan Your Meetings, “Food Allergies and the ADA,” she explains how and why the Americans with Disabilities Act was amended in 2008 to be more inclusive and broader in scope than the original and now incorporates eating and breathing as major life activities. She and I will be talking about this together next week at IMEX America on Tuesday, October 15 at 3:00 p.m. in our session “Food, Risk & Liability: More Than Menu Planning.”
Breakfast can be one of the toughest meals for those on a gluten-free diet when attending meetings and events, especially when we order so many continental breakfasts that are loaded with pastries, bagels and muffins. With a few modifications, I think that breakfast options for attendees with celiac disease and other gluten sensitivities can be quite the opposite. Once you realize all the naturally gluten-free options that hotels and convention centers can offer, you can easily the possibilities you can offer your guests are endless! 1) Juices and Smoothies. There are so many options. Some of my favorite come from…
As the controversy and, let’s face it, confusion, rages on around the world here’s an easy primer on the why’s and woes of dietary choices and dietary needs. Let’s begin with an actual disease, Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease isn’t an allergy to gluten as many people often mistake. It is an actual autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley) causes damage to the small intestine. An estimated 1 in every 100 people has celiac, worldwide and most are undiagnosed. Because this is an actual autoimmune disorder, a diagnosis will ensure opportunity for…
New Jersey Governor signs into law “Epinephrine Access and Emergency Treatment Act” In December 2015 you may have read in the Thrive! blog that the New Jersey state Senate had unanimously approved legislation that would create a training program for anyone who wishes to administer EpiPens, especially coaches, teachers, and other professionals in a public environment. The legislation was written broadly enough to include restaurant, hotel, and convention workers. The New Jersey legislation, Bill A-4094/S-2884, titled, “Epinephrine Access and Emergency Treatment Act,” had been awaiting Governor Christie’s signature until Monday, January 11th, when it was signed into law. Epinephrine is a controlled substance and…