Tag: environment

June 2019: All About Pork

What You Should Know About Pork

Pork is a very prevalent food in our culture. The term refers to the meat from domesticated pigs. Animal husbandry, or the growing of livestock for food purposes, dates back to 5000 BC. Today, pork is the most common form of meat worldwide. From ham sandwiches to hot dogs and even our soup broths, pork is everywhere. While it is a very accepted food, there are a few things that F&B professionals should know about pork before serving it at their events and culinary establishments. Pork in Religion There are several religions that prohibit their practitioners from eating pork –…

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Meatless Monday Chef

Meatless Monday

Exciting News! I’ve just become a Meatless Monday Ambassador! Meatless Monday is a global movement that asks people to give up meat for one day a week. By becoming an ambassador, I will work to encourage fellow meeting and event planners to think about meatless food options. Here’s why the movement is important to me: Pro-Environment Reducing our carbon footprint and practicing sustainable food practices is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Did you know that global livestock production creates more greenhouse gases than all the cars, trucks, planes, and trains in the world? By reducing…

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