Thrive! in the News

Smart Meetings: November 2011

Jesse Fetterling of Smart Meetings spoke to a cross section of meeting planners, including Tracy Stuckrath, CSEP, CMM of Thrive! Meetings & Events to hear their stories and find out what irritates them. Here are their top 11 pet peeves. On Tracy’s list include impersonal e-mails, sending contracts with completely different specs than what was agreed upon and outdated websites. What Peeves You?

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Collaborate: October 2011

Tracy Stuckrath, president and chief connecting officer for Thrive! Meetings and Events, has planned corporate events in Atlanta for more than 15 years for companies including Manheim and Atlanta Magazine. In “Southern Hospitality,” she talks with Sarah Sekula about hidden gems around Atlanta that are great for hosting meetings and events. She says, “The city’s various special event facilities offer planners many options when creating something out of the ordinary.”  

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Women’s Radio Speak Up!: February 2011

Tracy Stuckrath is the Founder of Thrive! Meetings and Events, a boutique event planning firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. She will be presenting two seminars at Exhibitor 2011 which will be held March 27th through 31st, 2011 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV. Stuckrath joins Speak Up! to talk about how she became motivated to start her company and the workshops that she will be presenting at Exhibitor 2011: “Food 101: Accomodating Dietary Needs at Events” and “Using Green Meeting Industry Standards for Event Success.”

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