A mindful eating guide, Meredith has a passion for cacao and supports people in everyday stress management using chocolate as one a tool

A mindful eating guide, Meredith has a passion for cacao and supports people in everyday stress management using chocolate as one a tool
Dr. Sabrina Falquier Montgrain is a primary care physician in San Diego at Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical group who specializes in Culinary Medicine and is the Founder of Sensations Salud, LLC. Dr. Falquier takes this multilingual and multicultural life experience into her expertise in Culinary Medicine. Her focus is awakening the senses around ingredient acquisition and food preparation while empowering people to better health through nutritional knowledge and culinary literacy.
Reducing food waste isn’t just about keeping food out of landfill – it’s an essential part of creating a sustainable, resilient and inclusive food system. Learn how using local sourcing, whole-product utilization, and lots of effort helped Jackie Suggitt and ReFed do it.
Once a competitive bodybuilder who believed it took animal protein to build muscle, Nina Curtis found her competitive edge when she “broke up with salmon” and became a vegan chef. While Nina Curtis has been a foodie since she was an eight-year-old helping her mom cook from scratch and lending a hand with her dad’s catering business, she never thought she would cook for a living. “That’s why you should never say never, because it could come back to haunt you,” she says. And, while her mom went organic long before it was a thing, Nina’s early professional food experience…
It may seem daunting, but the path to better heart health starts with figuring out exactly what their stressors — and de-stressors, may be. Three facts got me thinking: Heart disease is the #1 cause of death for women The meetings industry tends to be pretty female-centric Stress, which is endemic to meeting planning, also is a factor in coronary disease So how can meeting professionals in general, and women specifically, become more protective and proactive about their own heart health? During our conversation about heart-healthy food and beverage practices, I segued into asking Stefanie Sacks if she had any…
Some expert tips on how to bring your meeting’s food and beverage offerings more in line with good cardiac practices. February is National Heart Health month, and what better way to celebrate than to share ways you can make your conference part of the solution for preventing heart disease? You can do this by getting people moving regularly, whether that means offering formal exercise options or arranging to provide lots of breaks to get them out of their seats regularly. You also could encourage a healthy dose of sleep by minimizing late night partying options when you have early morning…
When we’re planning events, we think carefully about the color and texture of the décor, presentations and tablescapes, but how much attention do we pay to the color of the food we serve? Did you ever think that colorful food choices could be used for decor or to make your meals pop? Karin Hosenfeld, RD, LD, a dietitian in private practice in Dallas says “studies have shown that people eat the same 20 foods or so over and over.” I think this theory translate to events as well. How many times have you seen the same continental breakfasts – pastries,…