Learn how Tricia Thompson is making HERstory as THE Watchdog for the gluten-free community, fighting for transparency and accuracy in US food manufacturing and food service.

Learn how Tricia Thompson is making HERstory as THE Watchdog for the gluten-free community, fighting for transparency and accuracy in US food manufacturing and food service.
Once a competitive bodybuilder who believed it took animal protein to build muscle, Nina Curtis found her competitive edge when she “broke up with salmon” and became a vegan chef. While Nina Curtis has been a foodie since she was an eight-year-old helping her mom cook from scratch and lending a hand with her dad’s catering business, she never thought she would cook for a living. “That’s why you should never say never, because it could come back to haunt you,” she says. And, while her mom went organic long before it was a thing, Nina’s early professional food experience…
While beer, wine and cocktails remain important social lubricants for group events, today’s increasingly health-conscious attendees would love to have some low- and non-alcohol options that look just as enticing as that signature margarita.
Before you can meet the dietary needs of those who prefer or require plant-based diets, you need to know all the different forms those who consider themselves to be “vegetarians” can take. “Do you have a vegetarian option?” These words once struck fear into the hearts of unprepared banquet servers and venue kitchen staff, who at best would scramble to whip up some brown rice and steamed broccoli in hopes that would satisfy the vegetarian conference-goer’s needs. With almost of fifth of the U.S. population either identifying as vegetarian or interested in going veggie at least part time (7.3 percent…
If you live a vegan lifestyle, getting enough protein is something you may worry about. Although many Americans get the majority of their protein from meat, there are plenty of other alternatives for sources of healthy protein. Since World Vegan Day is celebrated in November, I thought this would be the perfect time to share 10 sources of vegan-friendly proteins. Seitan. This wheat-based meat alternative packs a whopping 36 grams of protein into every ½ cup serving. Texturally, it is also the closest thing to meats like pork and beef and can stand up to grilling and frying. However, this…
Ever since my first lick of ice cream, it has been an endless love story. Trading my toy out for ice cream at Chick-fil-a was the easiest decision I ever had to make. I spent every spring, summer, fall, and winter craving ice cream when I was happy, sad and anywhere in between. After giving up dairy, I thought my long and faithful love story with ice cream had come crashing to an end, but I soon realized how many other options I have. The first destination on my road to discovering dairy-free ice cream options landed with the classic…
Meeting Menus at Center of Heart Health Month I bet you thought wearing red in February was a way to celebrate Valentine’s and while that may be true, February is also Heart Health Month, which includes some school spirit style ‘wear red if you care’ heart disease awareness. One-fourth of men and one in three women die from cardiovascular disease in the United States. High blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, heart attack, it comes in many forms, but with few causes. Lifestyle choices is the leading indicator of heart problems, with genetics only helping it become worse in some people.…
November is off to a great start and one of the reasons is that November first is World Vegan Day. I’m not promoting we all need to switch to veganism, but I am promoting more vegan dishes in our menus. Not only will be making a concerted effort to meet the needs of our custom eaters, we’ll be opening our events to a vast and surprisingly delicious world of innovative vegan dishes. With a growing number of people turning to vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, the effort to create meat-like dishes is long gone. Occasionally, we still see tofurkey, fish-like tacos,…
October is Vegetarian Awareness Month! This doesn’t mean there is a sudden call-to-action for all meat-eaters to go veggie, but it’s a great way to stop and appreciate that there are some amazing veggie dishes out there that are worth building into our main course menus. And if we were to build just a little more veggie-life into our personal weekly menus, we might find we are actually experiencing this delicious world in an even more interesting way. Quick Run-Down on Vegarians: Vegetarian Awareness Month has two purposes. One is to be aware of vegetarians and the reasons for their…
As the controversy and, let’s face it, confusion, rages on around the world here’s an easy primer on the why’s and woes of dietary choices and dietary needs. Let’s begin with an actual disease, Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease isn’t an allergy to gluten as many people often mistake. It is an actual autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley) causes damage to the small intestine. An estimated 1 in every 100 people has celiac, worldwide and most are undiagnosed. Because this is an actual autoimmune disorder, a diagnosis will ensure opportunity for…