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July: Culinary Arts, Blueberries, & Ice Cream, Oh My!

Welcome to July! We’re more than halfway through 2016. Can you believe it? July is known for some pretty popular all-American menus. The fourth of July may mean barbeques and apple pie, but there is s much more that July has to offer. The Thrive! celebrations will include many special days this month, but the July themes of choice are National Culinary Arts Month, National Blueberries Month, and National Ice Cream Month. NATIONAL CULUNARY ARTS MONTH  While we love creative chefs and professional cooks, July is the designated month of recognition for leaders in culinary trends and dining excellence. Dine…

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green and white asparagus

Asparagus – One of the World’s Most Healthful Foods

As part of fruits and veggies month, Thrive! is featuring fruit and veggies each week. This week and the final vegetable being featured is asparagus. A whopping 90 percent of adults and children don't get enough fruits and veggies, so add this one to your shopping list this week! HISTORY Asparagus has been enjoyed all around the world for over a millennium. This spring/summer veggie was known to have been eaten by Ancient Egyptians as many as 20,000 years ago, and Rome’s first emperor, Augustus, employed an entire group of ships to transport huge shipments of it. Many people will tell you…

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Raw Organic Yellow Plumcots

Plums are not just for Pudding at Christmas

140+ varieties of this "drupe" fruit are sold in the US As part of fruits and veggies month, Thrive! is featuring fruit and veggies each week. This week and the final fruit being featured are plums. A whopping 90 percent of adults and children don't get enough fruits and veggies, so add this one to your shopping list this week! HISTORY Plums are one of the first domesticated fruits in central Asia and Europe. Plums are not as old as the figs,dates, and olives of Mesopotamia but they do go back far. Plum remnants were found at Bronze Age sites in Switzerland, Hungary and…

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Variety of whole and half multi colored beets

All About Beets

As part of fruits and veggies month, Thrive! is featuring fruit and veggies each week. This week the vegetable is beets - red, golden, Chioggia. A whopping ninety percent of adults and children don't get enough fruits and veggies, so add this one to your shopping list this week! HISTORY The beet comes from the wild sea beet, native to the Mediterranean and parts of the European and North African Atlantic coast. Only the leaves of the sea beet were eaten. The scientific name for the beet is beetroot or table beet also the sugar beet and the mangelwurzel. The…

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How to Buy: 19 Food Labels You Need to Understand

Food labeling has become an extremely big concern for consumers. In fact, an increasing number of consumers have been losing faith in food labels because of incorrect labeling and misleading terms. In particular, labels such as, organic, healthy, and natural are not always understood and can mean different things to different people, which can greatly impact the price of many foods. Many consumers confuse the term natural with a non-GMO product or an organic label with a product that is grown sustainably. Here are 19 of the top terms you might find on product packaging today so you can truly…

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Blueberries – 100 Years of Deliciousness

Blueberry is one of the only foods that is truly naturally blue in color and it #1 in antioxidant health benefits As part of fruits and veggies month,  we are featuring fruit and veggies each week. This week the fruit is blueberries, my absolute favorite fruit out there. A whopping 90 percent of adults and children don't get enough fruits and veggies, so add this one to your shopping list this week! HISTORY Blueberries are native to North America, even though they still do have botanical relatives around the world. For thousands of years blueberries have been harvested by Native…

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Ramadan: A Time for Fasting, A Time for Fast-Breaking

It’s Ramadan, which is a time of fasting. This also means there are occasions for fast-breaking. While fasting lasts from sunrise to sunset, Iftar is the name of the communal meal breaking the fast and served after sunset. At the end of Ramadan, there is a three-day festival, Eid al-Fitr, where food is a celebrated religious and cultural experience. Whether you are planning a Ramadan-themed communal meal, a banquet, or a festival celebration, here are a few delicious foods commonly consumed for Ramadan fast-breaking.   Dates & Fruits: these are a very popular offering for the after sunset feasts because…

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Great Grains – Corn to the Rescue

As part of fruits and veggies month, Thrive! is featuring fruit and veggies each week. This week the veggie is corn, a surprisingly sweet treat and packed with nutrients. A whopping ninety percent of adults and children don't get enough fruits and veggies, so add this one to your shopping list this week! HISTORY Corn, or maize, is a grass native to Central and South America. It was most likely first cultivated in Mexico dating back to 5500 BC. Cultivation of the grain then spread North to New Mexico and South to Peru. Eventually, corn became an important staple food…

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It’s Fruits & Veggies Month – Enjoy a Colorful, Crunchy, Healthful June

It’s June. We are off to a delicious beginning to the summer. And we are celebrating Fresh Fruits & Veggies! June is Fresh Fruits and Veggies Month! The Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program (FFVP) is an initiative brought on by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) created to directly combat childhood obesity. The program has been wildly successful across the country. Schoolchildren in the U.S. have been able to sample a variety of fruits and vegetables in their schools with the purpose of helping to educate and inform children and their families about eating healthy, the variety of fruits…

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