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Fresh bio-waste and compost

Prepared But Not Served – A Guest Blog by Jim Spellos

There is growing attention being paid to food waste, which is wonderful. I’ll be speaking at IMEX next week and while you can catch me at a few sessions, Wasting Away will be a session on food waste and our bottom line on October 18th. As a prompt to help us celebrate the no waste movement, let’s all take part in World Food Day this Sunday, October 16th. You can read a general article I’ve written on why the day exists and how we can integrate more awareness into our daily lives. Below is a beautiful guest post by James Spellos.…

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Food Allergy and the ADA

Food Allergies and the ADA

My good friend Dr. Tyra Hilliard, PhD, JD, CMP, is a meetings industry attorney, college professor, speaker and writer. In her latest article for Plan Your Meetings, “Food Allergies and the ADA,” she explains how and why the Americans with Disabilities Act was amended in 2008 to be more inclusive and broader in scope than the original and now incorporates eating and breathing as major life activities. She and I will be talking about this together next week at IMEX America on Tuesday, October 15 at 3:00 p.m. in our session “Food, Risk & Liability: More Than Menu Planning.”

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World Food Day – Take Action & End World Hunger

World Food Day is this Sunday, October 16th and it’s not just about food. It’s also not just about recognizing that hunger exists. It’s about taking action against hunger. And there’s so much you can do. This isn’t just another hashtag. World Food Day has been observed around the world by millions of people since 1979. The idea is that every human being has a right to nutritional food that will sustain them. Not food that will keep them alive, but adequate food to be able to live with vitality, meaning each person has a right to enough food to…

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Global Handwashing Day – It’s a Lifesaver

This month is packed with food related hashtag days, recognition days, and awareness days. What month isn’t, right? But this month, in particular, has a few I want to recognize. I have a few articles coming your way to help us celebrate, but this Saturday, October 15th, I am recognizing Global Handwashing Day. Now, Global Handwashing Day may not be the most glamorous sounding event, but when you stop to understand and think about it, we’re marking a day of awareness that helps to save lives! That’s right, washing hands with soap saves lives. The homepage for Global Handwashing Day…

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Rosh Hashanah – A Food Primer – Shanah Tovah!

Shanah Tovah, or A Good Year to you. This is the traditional greeting on Rosh Hashanah, which marks the Jewish New Year. This 2016, Rosh Hashanah begins the evening of Sunday, October 2nd and lasts to the evening of October 4th. The holiday commemorates the world’s creation.  It marks the beginning of a ten-day period of introspection and repentance called the Days of Awe. Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement and represents the end of the Days of Awe. Together, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are considered the two High Holy Days of the Jewish religion. Some…

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Food Waste Week

Today Marks the End of Food Waste Week – Efforts Continue!

With Europe making leaps and bounds in the food waste policy conversation, it make it seem like America is being left in the dust. We’re not where many other countries are, but we do have our strengths and are making our own strides. Today marks the last day of #FoodWasteWeek and I just wanted to share a few notes and scribbles I find inspiring on the food waste topic. Companies, cities, and entire countries are choosing to donate rather than throw it away. France, among other countries such as Denmark and Italy, has made it legally difficult to throw away…

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Optimize the Iconic ‘Coffee Break’ for National Coffee Day

As meeting and event professionals we are always trying to find fun and interesting ways to help attendees mingle, network, and connect. Caffenation is, of course, an important way to keep our guests energized and coffee breaks are one of those in-between spaces that often get left off the radar.   Maybe it’s because this is a time people use to separate from the group to make calls or check emails. But there are plenty of attendees who use this time to reflect with each other about how the day is going or what they thought of the last session…

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Honoring Honorees & Honoring Attendees: Creative Food & Beverage

Our honored attendees and distinguished guests are so important, but it’s easy for our recognition traditions to fall stagnant. From announcements in the program to event website profile pages, we work hard to provide well-deserved recognition. Following are some pretty cool ideas that help keep our recognition practices fresh and some even integrate creative food trends. Create souvenir style coasters with the name and achievement, or a personal quote, of each honoree. Don’t just throw them in the goodie bags people get upon registration. Put them on the tables in the dining area. It’s a great way to keep the…

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Attendees by Generation: What We Need to Consider

Expectations of the dining experience have many influences for attendees. Among those influences are the generational expectations of food, food culture, and how we dine together. While some trends change year-to-year, we can also observe trends in expectations generation-to-generation. Ultimately, different age groups respond differently to trends in food service and in turn, we try to manage a responsiveness to expectations. Boomers were king in the 80s, and so was Caesar salad, hot sauce, ranch dressing, and buffalo sauce. The flavor lifecycle is about 5-8 years. We saw the hot sauce peak and give way to familiar global cuisines, such…

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