Check out the Top 10 Most Downloaded “Eating at a Meeting” podcast episodes from 2022 plus 10 additional ones you should not miss.

Check out the Top 10 Most Downloaded “Eating at a Meeting” podcast episodes from 2022 plus 10 additional ones you should not miss.
Erin Petrey cares about cocktails. They are culture in a glass. Learn from her the beverages to stock to ring in the new year and beyond.
Tiffanie Barriere, aka “The Drinking Coach” is a bartender who is making HERstory by providing history lessons with every cocktail she serves. Her main goal is education, service, and fun with every pour.
Recent Trend of Mocktails Might Rebuke the Statistic that 77% of Meeting Planners Think Alcohol is Important to their Events Though you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell by looking at the line for the open bar at the evening reception at (pick a conference, any conference), sobriety — or at least, a growing interest in going alcohol-free on occasion — is starting to be a thing. The movement, which arguably began to gain steam five years ago when people began taking the “Drynuary” challenge to go alcohol-free just for the first month of the year, now is going mainstream.…
We think of alcohol as vital for evening events, and in most cases, it probably is. It lubricates conversation and helps many people relax. But I wanted to share this recent New York Times article that inspired me to shake things up and consider going alcohol-free at my next event. “Shine” is a networking and dating event founded in Venice Beach, CA, and that recently expanded to New York City, which is notable in that no alcohol is served. Participants drink tea, juice and mocktails and eat delicious, healthy, mostly vegan meals. It results in sparkling conversation that isn’t dulled…