Latex lurks in everything from balloons to rubber bands to gloves and can cause skin and respiratory allergic reactions in a growing number of people. Are you doing all you can to ensure the safety of those with latex allergies at your events?

Latex lurks in everything from balloons to rubber bands to gloves and can cause skin and respiratory allergic reactions in a growing number of people. Are you doing all you can to ensure the safety of those with latex allergies at your events?
Wine may be made from grapes, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t cause problems for vegan attendees or even those with milk, egg and shellfish allergies.
Eschewing alcohol for the month of January, aka “Drynuary,” is an increasingly popular way to see what life is like on the sober side. How could incorporating the same concept into your meetings improve participation and inclusion.
Attendee dietary and disability needs data need protection too. How are you protecting it?
On Human Rights Day, let’s not forget that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness rest on even more basic human rights — including access to healthy, nourishing food.
The Nat King Cole holiday tune about chestnuts is catchy, but for some of us in the food industry, this song leaves us scratching our heads. Are chestnuts a culinary nut? What about nutmeg? Isn’t it a spice? The world of nuts can be a little nutty (pun intended), confusing, and delicious! Let’s look at a few fun and important facts about these holiday favorites.
Something as simple as rotator cuff surgery was enough to open my eyes on how different accessibility looks when you have a disability, even if it’s just temporary.
While you may be covering the bases for attendees with Type 2 diabetes already by offering healthy food options, those with the Type 1 form of the disease may need a bit more in the way of accommodations. Most of us have at least a passing knowledge of the most common form of diabetes, Type 2, in which the pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin, or the person has developed insulin resistance. But Type 1, also known as Juvenile-onset diabetes, is generally much less well-known, with the possible exception of those who were fans of the Baby-Sitters Club young-adult series…
World Wildlife Fund Hotel Kitchen Program offers Guidance on how to reduce, recycle and repurpose throughout the event food chain Why would the World Wildlife Fund, get involved in what happens in hotel kitchens? After all, WWF is all about protecting species and habitats and natural resources conservation, not bagels, brioche, and breakfast buffets. But when you consider that World Wildlife Fund also aims to transform markets and policies to reduce the impact of the production and consumption of commodities, it starts to make sense. In the U.S. alone, we waste or lose 30% to 40% of all the food…
Parfaits are delicious, but with all the dairy and refined sugar, they aren’t always the healthiest dessert option. But with a few substitutions, they can be. If you were wondering if there is, in fact, a day for everything, Monday, November 25 should be proof positive that you’re right. Yes, Nov. 25 is National Parfait Day, and who would deny that the many-layered staple of group dining options — from airport grab-and-goes to conference buffets — is worthy of having its own day. It can be scrumptious; after all, the name literally is French for “perfect.” What’s not quite…