In episode #163 of the Eating at a Meeting podcast, Tracy chats with Lauren Soltwisch about how young professionals manage their food allergies at work.

In episode #163 of the Eating at a Meeting podcast, Tracy chats with Lauren Soltwisch about how young professionals manage their food allergies at work.
In episode #133 of Eating at a Meeting, Tracy chats with Zoe Moore about how equity, diversity and inclusion are connected to catering.
Learn how two women are using their experience running a global corporate food program and their appreciation and advocacy for local and sustainable food system to help organizations create other food programs.
Nora Burns is passionate about workplace culture. She wants HR professionals to know inclusion includes the food and beverage offered and served in the workplace.
Lianne Mandelbaum has been advocating for food allergic airline passengers for eight years after she and her son were treated horribly. She has turned that experience into an advocacy platform which has fostered change in the airline industry.
Amelia Ekus is nourishing inspiration in the corporate cafés she manages by creating a honest, sustainable and inclusive food and beverage experiences while also doing everything in her power to give her team members the skills they need to grow in their careers, not just to succeed in their current positions.
This is part of a series. Check out the following if you would like to see more: Lessons for Human Resources Professionals: The Care and Feeding of Employees – Part One » Lessons for Human Resources Professionals: Health and Wellness Programs – Part Two » Lessons for Human Resources Professionals: Supporting Employees Dietary Needs – Part Three » Lessons for Human Resources Professionals: Legal Implications – Part Four » And now, let’s talk about covering… A meeting planner manages and hosts recruiting events for employers. The events bring in thousands of young applicants to meet with potential employers of major…
As my clients, colleagues and followers know, my main focus as a meeting and event planner is ensuring the food is safe, healthy, delicious and inclusive. But for employees of a company, the food and beverage they are fed at conferences, special events and retreats is just a fraction of what they will consume while on the job. And it is the role of human resources professionals to ensure that all employees can eat safely. That’s why I’m devoting a series of blog posts to educating HR departments about what they can—and must—do when feeding employees. I say “must” because…