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Cross-Contamination, Cross-Contact, & Food Safety at Your Event

Cross-contamination is a commonly understood concept. It occurs when bacteria or viruses contaminate food. It can occur during preparation and storage. Often, proper cooking will reduce or eliminate the contamination, so foodborne illness is less of a risk. Occasionally, people forget what they are doing and put their newly cooked hamburger patties on the same plate they used to hold the patties when they were raw. This just reintroduces the contamination. Luckily, professional kitchen staff are trained in the proper handling of food and risk is minimized. When discussing food allergies, we really need to be more aware of cross-contact.…

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Epi-Pen Price Hikes – What you need to know

Prices of EpiPens have been skyrocketing for the past few years, causing many to demand answers and even more to go without a potentially life-saving treatment that was once available, decades ago, for the price of a pair of drugstore sunglasses.  EpiPens could be called a safety net. People with serious allergic reactions are at risk of anaphylaxis. Certain foods, medicines, insect bites and stings, even latex, can cause symptoms such as wheezing, swelling, drops in blood pressure, vomiting, and loss of consciousness. The EpiPen quickly delivers adrenaline in the form of epinephrine to temporarily pause the immune system’s reaction…

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An Important Brief on Sustainable Seafood

Seafood is one of the most important foods to consider when designing a sustainable menu. There is a big focus on eating local and on the comparative carbon footprint of beef, lamb, and chicken. But between overfishing, the evolving health of our oceans, and our understanding of how farm fishing and wild caught affects surrounding eco-systems, we begin to grasp that understanding sustainable seafood is a complex undertaking. Without diving into big explanations and long-winded descriptions, let’s assume you already care about supporting sustainable eating and seafood is included. Here are just a few must-know items to help you make…

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LDEI Atlanta

Les Dames d’Escoffier Selects Tracy Stuckrath as New Member

On July 11, 2016, the Atlanta chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) selected its 2016 class of Dames. Tracy was one of 12 women from the greater Atlanta community who was chosen to be part of the “international society of women dedicated to creating a culture in the community that fosters excellence and promotes the achievement of women in culinary professions through educational and charitable activities.” Tracy was selected to be a Dame for her work and dedication to educating the meetings and events industry on safe and healthy food and beverage programs that accurately address dietary restrictions and for her…

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Allergic Living Spring 2016 cover

Mixing Business & Allergies

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2016 issue of Allergic Living. Off to a convention and packing special food needs? There's much to know. Allergic Living Spring 2016 As I exited a luncheon in a hotel ballroom last fall, I saw a fellow attendee being tended to by a swarm of EMTs and convention staff. She was being treated for an anaphylactic reaction to the food she was served. She had informed the meeting planner and hotel of her serious food allergies, yet in this case, that wasn’t enough. Fortunately, after a trip to the hospital, the woman recovered…

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Utilize Technology to Make Diet Choices Easier & Safer

Nearly everyone is trying to watch what they eat nowadays, but even the most obsessive foodies can find it frustrating to really know with confidence just what they are putting into their bodies. Food labels can be difficult to read and keep track of if you’re on a diet of any kind. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have laboratory testing info on all the foods you eat? Food Spectrometers & Detectors With so much power in our hands these days, it only makes sense that our smartphones would become the best source of food-related apps and tools. One…

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An Open Letter to the Meetings Industry

Meetings Industry – An Open Letter on Inclusion

Dear Meetings Industry, In June 2016, I attended Meeting Professionals International (MPI) World Education Congress. As usual, the international conference was well attended and a wonderful gathering of top industry professionals. We studied food and beverage topics, budgeting, international trends, hybrid and virtual meetings and more. Added to this year’s event was a celebration of inclusion … mostly. Unfortunately, the convention occurred on the heels of the tragic LGBT nightclub shooting in Florida, where 49 people were killed, over 50 were injured, and over 200 were held hostage until the gunman’s death, when police stormed the club around 2 a.m.…

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11 Ways to Implement Important Sustainability Practices

Sustainability has become a big aspect of almost any industry and in the meetings industry sustainability has become crucial to maintaining our social and environmental responsibility. While we often hear farmers producing sustainable crops or even sustainable livestock, our kitchens also need to take stock in their environmental impact as well to ensure a better quality and in-demand products. Just as Climatarians make specific changes in their diet to minimize their carbon footprint, we need to make changes, industry-wide, to do our best to minimize and diminish unsustainable practices across the supply chain and in the kitchen. Whether we seek a…

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Reversing the Social Stigma of Dietary Restrictions

I recently read a thought-provoking article about how children with food allergies are excluded and bullied in school, as much by teachers as by other students.  The article was written by a mother of two children with life-threatening food allergies, and it reveals a number of ways in which others’ dismissal of their needs diminishes their self-worth. If a teacher brings in cupcakes for the class, not only is the child excluded, forced to watch while everyone else eats, but also, the child has to reject the offer of food, a stigmatizing act in itself. “Sometimes,” article contributor, Dr. Alvarez…

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5 Life-Saving, No-Cost Tips: How to Have Accessible Events

Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act can feel like a daunting task for meeting planners on a tight budget--and an even greater challenge ever since “eating” was included as a “major life activity” in the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. This article highlights relatively easy, inexpensive ways to make your meeting accommodating for attendees with disabilities. I recommend bookmarking it for future events. Along those lines, I thought I’d share a handful of low- or no-cost ways to accommodate attendees with special dietary needs. Plan meals well in advance. If you can give the catering kitchen an accurate picture…

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