Tag: sustainably grown

National Soy Foods Month

National Soy Foods Month – Get to Know the New Soy!

National Soy Foods Month – Celebrate! It’s National Soy Foods Month (#SoyFoodMonth)It is important first to note that soy is one of the “Big Eight” allergens, that group of food allergens that causes over 90% of allergic reactions in people with food allergies. While soy is a big eight allergen and should be taken seriously, statistics suggest that soy may not be as equally dangerous or consequential as other allergens, such as milk, which accounts for 80% of food allergies and intolerances, worldwide. Remember to Treat Soy as an Allergen – Because it is one The Soyfoods Association of America…

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How to Buy: 19 Food Labels You Need to Understand

Food labeling has become an extremely big concern for consumers. In fact, an increasing number of consumers have been losing faith in food labels because of incorrect labeling and misleading terms. In particular, labels such as, organic, healthy, and natural are not always understood and can mean different things to different people, which can greatly impact the price of many foods. Many consumers confuse the term natural with a non-GMO product or an organic label with a product that is grown sustainably. Here are 19 of the top terms you might find on product packaging today so you can truly…

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