Breakfast can be one of the toughest meals for those on a gluten-free diet when attending meetings and events, especially when we order so many continental breakfasts that are loaded with pastries, bagels and muffins. With a few modifications, I think that breakfast options for attendees with celiac disease and other gluten sensitivities can be quite the opposite. Once you realize all the naturally gluten-free options that hotels and convention centers can offer, you can easily the possibilities you can offer your guests are endless! 1) Juices and Smoothies. There are so many options. Some of my favorite come from…
As the controversy and, let’s face it, confusion, rages on around the world here’s an easy primer on the why’s and woes of dietary choices and dietary needs. Let’s begin with an actual disease, Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease isn’t an allergy to gluten as many people often mistake. It is an actual autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley) causes damage to the small intestine. An estimated 1 in every 100 people has celiac, worldwide and most are undiagnosed. Because this is an actual autoimmune disorder, a diagnosis will ensure opportunity for…