Those with dietary restrictions shouldn’t have to fast because they fear the feast. In other words, our employees, attendees, and colleagues shouldn’t have to skip meals or pack they’re own food, when they’ve paid for the banquet, the meal plan, or the cafeteria pass. If food is going to be available to groups of people, then courtesy, professionalism, and the law dictate that there be food for everyone in that group.

This year, commit to a new take on menu management by resolving to accommodate dietary restrictions for all your guests. 


Inclusion looses all meaning when it isn’t … inclusive. We want everyone, not most everyone, to be able to attend meetings and come to work easily and safely. That includes not only accessibility to the room and technology, but also what they eat and drink.  


Food service partners are the face of the event. They are also the core of attendee-kitchen communication. We need to make sure they are trained to understand dietary restrictions and attendee needs, not just to respond to whether someone wants different dressing or veggies instead of the house roll. Bring me onboard to provide your next Dietary Needs Training.

Manu Management

Looking for more? Call on me as your go-to menu management professional (culinary concierge) for all your events this year.  You’ll rest easy that your menu provides for the dietary restrictions of your attendees and employees while optimizing your bottom line. Bring Thrive! Menu Management and/or Culinary Concierge into every event this year. 

Food for everyone isn’t just important. It’s our job and duty of care.  

P.S. If you missed me January 10 on the #EventIcons show chatting about Healthy Tips for Event Professionals, check it out here. #EventIcons has tons of other great shows too. Sign up HERE to listen to them weekly.