Talking Heart Health & Changing Lifestyles

Eating at a Meeting Podcast Episode 49

close up of smiling woman with long brown curly hair wearing a denim top Heart health Jenn Sena

To celebrate Heart Health Month​, Jennifer Sena, CMP HMCC, a meetings and event industry professional working for Visit Lauderdale, is also a mother of two and a heart attack survivor.

In this episode of Eating at a Meeting, she shares how the heart attack has changed her lifestyle, exercise routines, and eating both at home and at work. Learn how she her new focus on heart health is motivating and educating others on how to get to the heart of us all.

What do safe, inclusive & sustainable food and beverage experiences look like to you?

For me, food and beverage experiences need to offer variety and meet the needs of everyone using locally grown and organic products as much as possible.

Do you have an example of a situation that negatively effected you and/or other individuals or groups’ food and beverage experience?

Being a sales professional who traveled often prior to the pandemic, I am always entertaining clients so I would often eat and order food that I typically don’t eat at home. One time while I traveling on business, I ordered a meal that made me sick.

What do you wish people knew about what you do?

After my heart attack, I developed a more healthy approach to my client events by incorporating wellness. They have included a spin class, meditation, and a wellness series all focused on healthy eating as well.

What is a best practice you use/or have seen to create safe and inclusive F&B experiences?

Lately, I have been focused on portion control as it relates to foods and source from local providers.

What are 1-2 go-to resources you’d be willing to share with the listeners?

I have been taking advantage of my company’s corporate wellness services. The program is called Rally and I joined Real Appeal which is an effective science-based weight loss program offered at no cost as part of participating employee benefit plans. Also, I have worked with Liz Cohen, a former hotelier who I worked with who is now a health coach.


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Check out other featured guests on the Eating at a Meeting podcast