Monthly Archives: November 2012

Soy Allergies

How to Cope with Soy Allergies in College

Soy, one of the eight most common food allergies around the world, is a particularly difficult allergy to manage because its used in a lot of processed foods. Those allergic to soy must be ardent food label readers to ensure their health and safety. College students, who are living on their own for the first time, must become even more prudent about it since they are relying daily on someone else making their meals. However, by choosing whole, unprocessed foods, eating from the school salad bar or requesting a baked potato with soy-free toppings, can make it easier. In this…

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Coping with Fish and Shellfish Allergies in College

According to FARE, an estimated 2.3 percent of Americans — nearly seven million people — report an allergy to seafood, including fish and shellfish with salmon, tuna, and halibut being the most common. When your child heads off to college, its important they understand how to managing their allergy on their own. Tracy Stuckrath contributes to this Campus Explorer article with some steps to take to make sure your college experience is everything you want it to be even with your food allergy An estimated 2.3 percent of Americans are allergic to seafood .

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Fall 2012: Campus Explorer

Managing food allergies at college is similar to managing them at events—you have to rely on someone else to make sure you’re served something safe. However, being proactive, knowing your allergies and triggers and planning in advance, you can have an enjoyable experience. Tracy Stuckrath contributes to the article, “Dealing With Food Allergies and Intolerances in College” on Campus Explorer, an online search engine to find the perfect school, which believes everyone deserves a fulfilling education, no matter the name or place, or disability (food allergies).

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