Earlier, I pointed out three icons that aren’t going away, but are certainly in decline. If you missed it, be sure to check it out, Say Farewell to These Food Trends 2018.” This installment is about the rise to stardom we will see from the three favorites that have been waiting in the wings. They have been around, but there were some clear indicators in 2017 that these three are about to make it into everything – including our event menus. Welcome these food trends in 2018.

Welcome These Food Trends

These have been around, but this year we saw a boost in online chatter and a growing market entry from a variety of themed niches. Let’s say hello to the rise of some new trendy topics. These guys are worth a nod, if not dedicated attention, in some of our upcoming events and menus. Please welcome these food trends:

Welcome These Food TrendsCharcoal

Let’s not take this one overboard, but charcoal is definitely seeing success as a sustainable top-ranking consumer interest for 2018. It’s already been a digestive cleanser, teeth cleaner, and facial scrub. Now it’s increasing its market presence as a water purifier and savory seasoning. Don’t run out and collect your barbecue briquettes and campfire coals just yet. We are already in the gourmet phase of the charcoal product life cycle, which means the item that has a gourmet following. What was burned, what the charcoal is made of, matters. As a water purifier, bamboo charcoal is preferred. Meanwhile, burnt coconut shells (I did say coconut was in decline, but not dead) is preferred as a dry meat rub. Give it some time and by the end of 2018, I’m sure we’ll see exotic charcoal blends, pricey charcoal flavored drinks, like coffee and brewskies, and fancy charcoal sauces and dressings.

Welcome These Food TrendsTurmeric

This one was on a clear upward trajectory in 2017 and its growth will continue through the coming year. Prized as a spice and medicinal herb, this one is bound to enter the “good for every ailment” classification that coconut was branded with, and lavender before that. For good reason, this has already made it into most food and drink variations. It’s easy to cook with because it’s light enough, we can add it to just about anything without it overpowering the dish. And a little goes a long way when it comes to adding the recognizable turmeric color tint. That makes this healthful superfood-spice highly brandable because it can be added to items in small amounts without a significant change to the original dish, which means it will be on menus and ingredient lists. And it’s strong tint makes it easy to look for and fairly recognizable in drinks and sauces. With that powerhouse combination, this trend has the potential to last well beyond 2018.

Welcome These Food TrendsOrganic Wine

Again, an item that has been around for awhile, but without a great deal of understanding. The wine industry has remained significantly untouched by regulations and the prying eyes of curious, health-conscious consumers. However, this year we have been seeing an increase in organic wine vineyards, organic endcaps in the wine sections at our favorite  liquor stores, and a well-deserved increase in concern over the production of wine that was once limited to vegetable and fruit crops. Even doctors, oncologists, in particular, are now recommending organic wine (for those patients who refuse to give up alcohol altogether) as the best go-to option. More than a perfunctory option will now need to be included on wine lists for 2018 and beyond. If you are going to welcome these food trends, organic wine needs to top your list.

Are you glad to see any of these finally get their spot in the limelight? Do you welcome these food trends with open arms? Or are you already craving bacon? It’s OK. I’m sure at least one of the items I listed in my forecast of downward trends will make a comeback as a vintage favorite. Let me know what you think about these three picks by sending me a tweet @Thrivemeetings and use #Thrive!

In the meantime, please checkout  the other pieces in my series on 2018 food trends.

4 Superfoods – 2018 Food Trends, Part One »

Cheers! Drink Trends for 2018 – Part Two »

Culinary Forecast: Food Trends, 2018 – Part Three »

Say Farewell to These Food Trends 2018, Part Four »

And, while not part of the food trends series, this recent post may be of interest because it touches on the “Back to Basics” trend we’ll see in 2018 with some helpful tips on how to embrace basics and creative into one fluid menu.

Audacious Basics: Dress Up Those Stand-byes »